
#41 ダイハツ工業 東京モーターショーコンセプトカー「コペン」/ DAIHATSU Tokyo Motor Show Concept "KOPEN"


Nezu took part in the DAIHATSU "KOPEN" concept planning, user communication planning, Tokyo Motor Show 2013 booth planning and Mini4WD-ize. "KOPEN" is the authentic sports car that has an exciting new feature, Kisekae : exterior panel replacing system.


企画のひとつとして、MEGA WEBで開催されましたイベントにおいて、根津のトークショー出演, オートスタッフ末広とのzecOOの展示およびデモ走行, Fab Labとの共同で工作教室を開催をさせていただきました。
Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association held the "ODAIBA MOTOR FES" as a new trial for the Tokyo Motor Show. Nezu joined the events at the MEGA WEB; the talk shows, the zecOO demonstration run with Auto Staff Suehiro, and the 3D printer workshop with Fab Lab.

■Suntory x Thermos pre-launched "drop"


The "drop" that was co-produced by Suntory and Thermos has been pre-launched from on November 5th at "7-Eleven" in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba and "7net".
The "drop" is an innovative beverage which savory tastes last long in the specially designed personal bottles. There are many flavors of portion that you can enjoy particularly in cold season.

■ゼクウ, ウロボロス そごう・西武「高輪会」に出展
■"zecOO" and "Ouroboros" were exhibited at Sogo & Seibu 'TAKANAWA-KAI'


The "zecOO" and "Ouroboros" were exhibited at 'TAKANAWA-KAI' that was held by Sogo & Seibu from Nov. 7 till Nov.10 at Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa. It was the first time for us to exhibit two vehicles together. We could get a good evaluation from visitors.