
#6 「グッドデザイン賞 2009」受賞 / won the "Good Design Award 2009"

8月末にご案内させていただきました「グッドデザイン エキスポ」は無事終了し、本日(財)日本産業デザイン振興会より「グッドデザイン賞 2009」の発表が行われました。znug designがエントリー致しましたサーモス社の「ケータイマグ」はみなさまのご支援の下「グッドデザイン賞」を受賞することができました。この「ケータイマグ」はOEMによる展開など活躍の場を拡げており、多くの方にご愛用いただく機会に恵まれ非常に喜んでおります。

Today JIDPO, the Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization announced the results of the Good Design Award 2009. The Good Design Expo 2009 was held successfully earlier. Thanks to all your support, the THERMOS JMY from the znug design was able to receive the Good Design Award. The THERMOS JMY has been expanding its production and distribution using OEMs etc, and we are thrilled to see more and more people are enjoying them.






THERMOS JMY is a light-weight, compact mobile mug with vacuum insulation. With THERMOS JMY, you can enjoy the ecological and economical life style without disposable cups.

How can a mobile mug become your inseparable sidekick in daily life? It must blend in naturally, bringing ecology, economy and health into your life with ease. The careful design was done in every aspect in order to achieve its comfortable texture, a good fit to the hand, easy handling & drinking, the eye-catching look and the pleasing presence in your hand.


The points of design


The beautiful curve on the body guides your hand to the ideal holding position. The concentric design of easy-opening push-button and the locking ring enables intuitive actions.



Each color is matched with the most pleasing texture using different translucency of the paint over stainless steel, surface gloss, etc.



We hope you will take a look and experience the good design of the THERMOS JMY. It can be purchased at major department stores, as well as through internet shopping
sites like Amazon.