
#19 パリ メゾン・エ・オブジェ NOW! 出展 / Exhibit at Maison et Objet 'now!'

今年は弊社創設5周年の年となり、多くの方々にお祝いしていただき心から感謝致しております。来年からもまた新たな気持ちで、人やものづくりをつなぐ"creative communicator"として頑張って参りたいと存じます。皆様におかれましても、健やかに良いお年をお迎えになられますようお祈り申し上げます。


It just three days are remained in this year 2010. We znug design appreciate that many people celebrated our 5th Anniversary in this year. We will do the best for our creates as we can connect both "People" and "Work" in next year more than ever. And we wish all of you have great happiness and joy, followed by a most wonderful new year.

The final issue of this year, we will inform you about the event in the end of this year and the beginning of the new year.


パリ メゾン・エ・オブジェ NOW!出展
Exhibit at Maison et Objet 'now!'


2011年1月にパリで開催されます Maison et Objet 'now!'の経済産業省ブース JAPAN DESIGN + に根津が選出されました。

Nezu was selected for JAPAN DESIGN + booth that is coordinated by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) JAPAN at Maison et Objet 'now!' in Jan. 2011. We will show the "691236" parasol and "Jellyfish" stool. This booth is produced by Mr. Toshiyuki Kita, and 7 designers exhibit their works there.

トヨタ プリウス プラグインハイブリッド ラッピングデザイン
Car wrapping graphic for TOYOTA Prius Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle

弊社根津がラッピンググラフィックのデザインを担当させていただきました、トヨタ プリウス プラグインハイブリッドが下記のイベントやwebにてご覧いただけます。その他全国のトヨペット店にてデモカーとしても巡回致しております。

■第87回箱根駅伝 2011年1月2日(日),3日(月)
第23回東京国際映画祭 2010年10月23日(土)~31(日)
「プリウス プラグインハイブリッド スペシャルサイト」

Nezu designed the car wrapping graphic for TOYOTA Prius Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle. You can see the wrapped cars at the events, websites and the TOYOPET dealers as trial cars too.

■87th Hakone Ekiden (Japanese university relay marathon race) 2011.1.2(sun)-3(mon)
23rd TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2010.10.23(sat)-31(sun)
"Prius Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle Special site"

シチズン エコ・ドライブ ドーム インタビュー
Interview for the CITIZEN Eco-Drive DOME

ブランド腕時計正規店紹介サイトGressiveにて、今年6月に発売されたCITIZEN Eco-Drive DOMEに関して根津のインタビュー記事が掲載されております。

Nezu was interviewed by Gressive, the official watch dealers website, about the CITIZEN Eco-Drive DOME that was put on sale in June.



LIGHTING OBJET exhibition finished on Dec. 27th. Many people came and enjoyed our installation during the exhibition period.

Title of the work : between..



Concept of the work
Something between person and person. Christmas time installation for the lovers, using acrylic panel surface lighting technology.

制作協力 :
Cooperation company :


#18 ライティング・オブジェ2010 / LIGHTING OBJET 2010


I introduce the event of the illumination that Nezu takes part in every year, the lectures that he have done in this autumn, and the writing of article for the magazine.


日時:12月16日(木)~12月27日(月) 10:00~22:00
Date : Dec.16 (Thu) - Dec.27 (Mon) 10:00 - 22:00

Location : TOKIA Galleria, Tokyo Building (3 minutes walk from Tokyo station)

Entrance fee : free

Title of the work : between..

制作協力 : 株式会社コマデン
Cooperation company : KOMADEN CORPORATION


機械設計 コラム執筆
Article for "MACHINE DESIGN" magazine


Nezu wrote the article title as "Ties between people create good things" for 'MACHINE DESIGN' in Dec.


首都大学東京 産業技術大学院大学 デザインミニ塾講演
Lecture at AIIT (advanced institute of industrial technology), Tokyo metropolitan university


Nezu gave a lecture title as "The design that encourages the manufacture" at the "Mini Design School" in AIIT (advanced institute of industrial technology) on Sep.15(Wed).


日本工業大学 講演
Lecture at NIT (Nippon Institute of Technology)


Nezu gave the lecture title as "The power that connects idea and manufacture" at the awarding ceremony of "3D-CAD product contest" in NIT (Nippon Institute of Technology) and awarded the special prize as a judge on Oct.10(Sun).

znug design 賞
兵庫県立姫路工業高等学校 デザイン科3年 下山 仁美さん
znug design prize
Ms. Hitomi Shimoyama, Himeji technical high school


武蔵野美術大学 講義
Lectures at MAU (Musashino Art University)

10・12月と武蔵野美術大学(MAU) にて稲田教授と共に『動くかたち』のデザイン実習を行いました。「りんご1個の重さで10m進むものを制作する」という課題で、学生の皆さんも様々な仕掛けを織り交ぜながら、思い思いのかたちを段ボールで作り上げました。

Nezu instructed the students at MAU (Musashino Art University) about the "Form For Motion" in Oct. and in Dec.


#17 サーモス「JND」発売! / The THERMOS "JND" has been put on the market!


Nezu has designed the THERMOS "JND",new type of compact mug with vacuum insulation. You can enjoy your favorite drink with the JND, anytime, anywhere.
The JND is in stores and online shops such as amazon.


You can see the advertisement of the JND at Tokyo station and the TV on the train.



Also, the JMY, designed by Nezu, has new colors now. Let's get ready for the winter season with the JND and the JMY.


【号外】 extra edition 「トレたま」放映 / 'TREND TAMAGO' in WBS


The parasol "691236" that was designed by Nezu will appear on the 'TREND TAMAGO' in WBS (World Business Satellite), TV Tokyo from 23:00 today. Please enjoy see it. You can see it on the web of TV Tokyo from tomorrow.


#16 日傘「691236」発売! / The parasol "691236" has been put on the market!

The parasol "691236" has been put on the market!


6月にINTERIOR LIFESTYLE TOKYOで発表しました"太陽の透ける位置で時間が分かる日傘" 「691236」が、LOFT(渋谷店池袋店)、amazonGenerate Designで発売しております。照りつける太陽を逆に楽しみながらこの夏をのりきりませんか。

The parasol "691236" has been sold at LOFT (in Shibuya and Ikebukuro ), amazon and Generate Design.
Why don't we get over these swelter by enjoying the sun beat down?


Ouroboros 新製品発表会・試乗会終了
The "Ouroboros" trial run event had been held.


The press conference and trial run event for the reverse trike "Ouroboros" had been held on fine day in July. The participants enjoyed the Ouroboros's "driving and riding" that is different from the four- wheel cars and two-wheel motorcycles. We appreciate getting the contact from customers and medias who were reading the articles on the webs, magazines and newspapers.
I also tried to ride it for the first time after the event. The more I ride it, the more impressed I became even I was keyed up at the beginning. So I'd like to ride in the city next time.

記事掲載いただいたメディア Media appearances

Response [Jun 27]

Car Watch [Jun 29]

日刊自動車新聞 [Jul 6]
Mr. Bike BG [Aug]
週刊プレイボーイ [Aug 9]
Motor Fan illustrated [vol.46]
タンデムスタイル [Sep]
Young Machine [Sep]
Bike Bros [Sep]
デジモノステーション [Sep]
Goods Press [Sep]
モーターサイクリスト [vol.1]


Autodesk Design Innovation Forum 2010

Autodesk 開催レポート

Nezu gave a lecture with Mr. Harada, Harada Vehicle Design at Autodesk Design Innovation Forum 2010.We could have many audiences and KARAKURI-TORO: Clockwork Lantern could have attentions from many people.The following are the report and the presentation.
Autodesk's report
Nezu's presentation


"creative garden BILBAO & creative library BUCHAREST inspired by TOYOTA"


"The space for sensibility and creative inspiration" was produced by Toyota Motor Corporation's Corporate Value Creation Department in Bilbao, Spain and Bucharest, Rumania following the Chicago and Bangkok. Nezu has designed the space mainly using the display fixtures.

"creative garden BILBAO inspired by TOYOTA"

"creative library BUCHAREST inspired by TOYOTA"


【号外】 extra edition 5周年パーティ開催のお礼 / Many thanks_5th Anniversary party

いつもznug designのニュースレターを読んでいただきありがとうございます。お陰様で7月9日(金)、弊社 創設5周年パーティを無事終えることができました。当日は悪天候にも拘わらず、150名を超える方々にお越しいただき心より感謝申し上げます。皆様に支えられ、この日を迎えられた有り難さを痛切に感じた一日でした。

Thank you so much for reading our znug design newsletter.
We could have our 5th Anniversary party successfully on July 9.It was a pleasure for us to meet with more than 150 guests on that day, though it rained.Thank you so much for everything all of you have done for us.


当日の写真および”ウロオボエ ウロボロス ゲーム”で皆様からいただきました貴重なスケッチをアップしましたので、ぜひご覧ください。

Please enjoy the party’s photos and the sketches of “the Ouroboros with vague memory game” that we received from participants. http://bit.ly/cvm13S



And please enjoy the presentation on that day.
・プレゼン‘ト’ーション(高解像度)high resolution presentation: http://bit.ly/9PO3Lf
・プレゼン‘ト’ーション(低解像度)low resolution presantation: http://bit.ly/dow5M1
・プレゼン‘ト’ーションのムービー attached movies: http://bit.ly/amaFWY



Please enjoy our renewed web site too. http://www.znug.com/


弊社はまだまだ5年、この先も皆様から愛され続けるznug design であるよう一層精進して参りますので、今後とも変わらぬご指導をよろしくお願い申しあげます。この度は本当にありがとうございました。

Although our company just started five years ago, we strive for good result in our work from now on. We will greatly appreciate your further guidance and encouragement too.


znug design 社員一同


【号外】extra edition 創設5周年パーティのご案内 / 5th anniversary party

お陰様で弊社は来る7月をもちまして、創立5周年を迎えることとなりました。これもひとえに皆様方のご支援の賜とお礼申し上げます。つきましては、ささやかながら創立の地 吉祥寺にて5周年記念パーティーを下記のとおり催したく存じます。当日はこの5年間の根津の作品を展示する他、作品やそれにまつわるものをプレゼントさせていただく企画もしておりますので、皆様お誘い合わせのうえ是非お越しください。

znug design "5th Anniversary party"
日 時: 7月9日(金) 午後19時~22時
場 所: CAFE ZENON  東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺南町2-11-3 (吉祥寺駅から徒歩2分)


Today we would like to inform our "5th Anniversary party". We will exhibit Nezu's works in the last five years and present some works and related things there. So please come join us!

The znug design, inc. requests the pleasure of the company of Mr. Nezu at a party to celebrate our 5th Anniversary on Friday, July 9, 2010 from 7:00-10:00pm at the CAFE ZENON: 2-11-3 Minami, Kichijouji, Musashino, Tokyo


#15 Autodesk Design Innovation Forum 2010 講演, INTERIOR LIFESTYLE TOKYO 出展

一気に夏を感じさせる気候になったかと思うと、大雨だったりとお天気には振り回されてばかりの5月ですね。さて、znug designでは6,7月と様々なイベントが目白押しです。ご興味のおありになる方は、是非ご参加ください。

We znug design have several events on June and July. Please register and reply for each event if you are interested to participate.

[1] Autodesk Design Innovation Forum 2010 講演

Nezu will give a lecture with Mr. Harada, Harada Vehicle Design at Autodesk Design Innovation Forum 2010.There are keynote addresses by Mr. Tadao Ando, who is one of the most famous architect and Mr. Ken Okuyama, who is one of the most famous product designer on that day too. As not many sheets are remained, please register online below if you are interested to participate.

■日程:2010年6月1日(火) 9:00~18:00(受付8:30)

<根津孝太 講演詳細>
17:00~18:00 製造セッション(C-4)
- デザインでユニークな価値を創造するための「きづき」と「モノづくり,コトづくり」-

■Schedule: Tuesday, June 1st, 2010
Forum: 9:00am - 6:00pm (The registration begins at 8:30am.)
■Location:Royal Park Hotel2-1-1 Nihonbashi-Kakigara-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

<The lecture details>
5:00pm - 6:00pm MFG(C-4)
"The power that connects idea and manufacture" by Kota Nezu

Please visit the website below for the event's details and also to register online:


昨春、根津が『おひさまのうごきにおもいをはせるかさ』として作品を発表しました日傘の製品化にとうとうこぎつけました!「691236」というブランド名でINTERIOR LIFESTYLE TOKYO
へ初出展し、ここから販売をスタートいたします。多様なデザインやライフスタイルが集結するインテリアマーケットの中心地TOKYOから世界へ向けて、新たなトレンド提案を発信する見本市INTERIOR LIFESTYLE TOKYOへ是非お越しください。

The znug design realized to produce new parasol that Nezu created as "the Parasol with the Passage of the Sun" in last spring! We exhibit and start to sell the parasol "691236" at the INTERIOR LIFESTYLE TOKYO that is the leading “Design-Oriented” trade fair for the Japanese high-end interior market. Please come join us there.

■日程:2010年6月2日(水)~4日(金) 10:00 ~ 18:00 (最終日は 17:00まで)
■会場:東京ビッグサイト 西1,2,3,4ホール + アトリウム
■出展場所:西2ホール No.21-08

■Schedule: Wednesday, June 2nd - Friday, June 4th, 2010 10:00am - 6:00pm (The final day is closed at 5:00pm.)
■Location: West Hall 1,2,3,4,and atrium, Tokyo Big Sight
■booth location:West Hall 2  No.21-08

*Free admission ticket are available for the trades by pre-registration online:

[3] Ouroboros 新製品発表会・試乗会

弊社およびオートスタッフ末広は、昨秋発表させていただいた"日本発" x "日本初"のリバース・トライクOuroborosの新製品発表会および試乗会を開催いたします。記者の方々向けの試乗会ではございますが、ご興味のある方は別途ご案内を差し上げますので是非その旨ご返信ください。 inagaki@znug.com

The znug design and Auto Staff SUEHIRO will hold the press conference and trial run event for the reverse trike Ouroboros that we produced as "Made in Japan" x "Fisrt in Japan" in last autumn. Although the event will be held for the press, please kindly send message if you are interested in. inagaki@znug.com

■日程:2010年6月24日(木) 10:30-15:00(受付10:00)
■会場:南千葉サーキット 千葉県市原市金剛地301

■Schedule: Thursday, June 24th, 2010 10:30am - 3:00pm (The registration begins at 10:00am.)
■Location:Minami Chiba Circuit 301 Kongouji, Ichihara, Chiba

[4] znug design 5th Anniversary Party

お陰様でこの7月でznug designは創立5周年を迎えます。皆様への感謝の気持ちをこめ、znug design 発祥の地、吉祥寺にてアニバーサリーイベントを開催させていただきます。詳細は追ってご連絡させていただきますので、是非お時間を空けておいてください。

The znug design is celebrating its 5th anniversary in July. We will hold our 5th anniversary event in Kichijouji our cradle with our appreciation for all of you. Please kindly set aside the time for our event and we will inform further details later.

■日程:2010年7月9日(金) 19:00-22:00
■会場:cafe zenon 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺南町2-11-3

■Schedule:Friday, July 9th, 2010 7:00pm - 10:00pm
■Location:"cafe zenon" 2-11-3 Minami, Kichijouji, Musashino, Tokyo


#14 浜松楽器博物館 『天空ホール』 / "Tenku Hall"


We’d like to introduce a space that has been given a new life this spring. We hope you can visit this wonderful space.

東洋最大を誇る「浜松楽器博物館(静岡県浜松市)」には、タムタムという巨木をくり抜いた太鼓を中央に配した吹き抜けのコンサートスペースがあります。今回、銀座資生堂ビルや表参道ヒルズなど数多くのプロジェクトを手掛けるサウンドスペースコンポーザー(有)エル・プロデュースの井出氏プロデュースの下、この空間をよりよい音響環境に作り上げるべく、弊社 根津が音響を反射するオブジェの企画・デザインをさせていただきました。

"Tenku (heavens, sky) Hall"
The Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka prefecture, is known for the largest collection in Asia. It has a concert hall featuring a Tumtum, a drum made from a hollowed-out giant tree trunk, which is placed under the atrium in the center of the hall. The project was launched to make it a better sound environment under the direction of Mr. Ide of the El Produce, a “sound space composer”, who has been working on the major public and commercial spaces such as Ginza Shiseido Building, Omotesando Hills, etc. The znug design’s Nezu designed and produced the object which functions as a sound reflector for the project.
These bird-shaped reflectors are placed around the Tumtum, making it possible to deliver the rich sound to the audience rather than letting it absorbed in the atrium. At the re-opening of the Tenku Hall, the museum director Mr. Shima played a recorder, which beautiful sound inspired Mr. Ide to say “the space itself has transformed into a music instrument.”

今回の鳥のオブジェを製作するにあたっては、池戸製作所1P industry、MadSystems、スタジオ タカヤマのみなさまの多大なるご尽力をいただきました。この場をお借りしてお礼申し上げます。

We would like to thank you all from the Ikedo Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the 1P industry, the MadSystems, and the studio TAKAYAMA for your great support in creating the bird-shaped reflectors.


Nezu is also enjoying the opportunities to direct the design projects for the Kojo Technology, where Mr. Ide is involved as an advisor. The projects include the new corporate identity design and the power device design for the high-end audio systems. The Kojo Technology has been awarded many times for their excellence in creating outstanding audio systems.

“Inter BEE 2009”に出展された「KJ-12」、「5 ELEMENTS」については、”機能をカタチに体現する”ことを目指し、電気の流れや機器の機能を明確にお客様に感じ取っていただけるようにデザイン致しました。現在製品化に向け取り組み中です。

The “KJ-12” and the “5 ELEMENTS” seen at the Inter BEE 2009 exhibition were designed to “embody the function.” The design allows customers to clearly see and feel the function of the device. They are currently in process of being produced and manufactured.

エル・プロデュースの井出祐昭氏をフィーチャーした番組「幸福音~知られざる『音』の世界~」が6月28日22:00~WOWOW 191chにて放送されます。浜松楽器博物館の天空ホールについても取り上げられる予定ですので、ぜひご覧ください。

WOWOW is set to air
Mr. Ide of the El Produce special program
on June 28th from 22:00. The Tenku Hall will featured on that program too.


#13 Designers Forum 講演 / Lecture at the Designers Forum

昨年12月に住商情報システム(株)主催のDesigners Forum にて根津が講演いたしました『発想ツールとしてのAlias ~イイカゲンモデリングのススメ~』の内容が日経BP社のTech-onに掲載されました。

Nezu's lecture "Alias as an inspirational tool / How to do a ballpark modeling" from the SCS (Sumisho Computer Systems Corporation) Designers Forum held last December is archived on the website "Tech-on" by Nikkei Business Publication, Inc.


昨年「グッドデザイン賞 2009」を受賞した「サーモス社JMY」が掲載されたイヤーブック「ジャパンデザイン/グッドデザインアワード 2009-2010」が2月13日に発行されました。(P110に掲載)

The “JAPAN DESIGN / GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2009-2010” yearbook was issued on February 13th. It includes the Good Design Award 2009 winner, THERMOS JMY. (on P110)



The reverse trike Ouroboros the znug design and Auto Staff SUEHIRO co-developed appeared in the “MOTORCYCLIST extra edition” magazine #387, issued on February 15th.


昨年 日本工業大学において記者発表致しました「大型ヒューマノイド」が 1月23日発行の『アスキー・ドットPC 』および、2月15日発行の『ロボコンマガジン』に掲載されました。

The full-scale humanoid robot that was released last year at the press conference at NIT, Nippon Institute of Technology appeared in the "ASCII dot PC" magazine #142 issued on January 23rd and "ROBOCON Magazine" issued on February 15th.