
#14 浜松楽器博物館 『天空ホール』 / "Tenku Hall"


We’d like to introduce a space that has been given a new life this spring. We hope you can visit this wonderful space.

東洋最大を誇る「浜松楽器博物館(静岡県浜松市)」には、タムタムという巨木をくり抜いた太鼓を中央に配した吹き抜けのコンサートスペースがあります。今回、銀座資生堂ビルや表参道ヒルズなど数多くのプロジェクトを手掛けるサウンドスペースコンポーザー(有)エル・プロデュースの井出氏プロデュースの下、この空間をよりよい音響環境に作り上げるべく、弊社 根津が音響を反射するオブジェの企画・デザインをさせていただきました。

"Tenku (heavens, sky) Hall"
The Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka prefecture, is known for the largest collection in Asia. It has a concert hall featuring a Tumtum, a drum made from a hollowed-out giant tree trunk, which is placed under the atrium in the center of the hall. The project was launched to make it a better sound environment under the direction of Mr. Ide of the El Produce, a “sound space composer”, who has been working on the major public and commercial spaces such as Ginza Shiseido Building, Omotesando Hills, etc. The znug design’s Nezu designed and produced the object which functions as a sound reflector for the project.
These bird-shaped reflectors are placed around the Tumtum, making it possible to deliver the rich sound to the audience rather than letting it absorbed in the atrium. At the re-opening of the Tenku Hall, the museum director Mr. Shima played a recorder, which beautiful sound inspired Mr. Ide to say “the space itself has transformed into a music instrument.”

今回の鳥のオブジェを製作するにあたっては、池戸製作所1P industry、MadSystems、スタジオ タカヤマのみなさまの多大なるご尽力をいただきました。この場をお借りしてお礼申し上げます。

We would like to thank you all from the Ikedo Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the 1P industry, the MadSystems, and the studio TAKAYAMA for your great support in creating the bird-shaped reflectors.


Nezu is also enjoying the opportunities to direct the design projects for the Kojo Technology, where Mr. Ide is involved as an advisor. The projects include the new corporate identity design and the power device design for the high-end audio systems. The Kojo Technology has been awarded many times for their excellence in creating outstanding audio systems.

“Inter BEE 2009”に出展された「KJ-12」、「5 ELEMENTS」については、”機能をカタチに体現する”ことを目指し、電気の流れや機器の機能を明確にお客様に感じ取っていただけるようにデザイン致しました。現在製品化に向け取り組み中です。

The “KJ-12” and the “5 ELEMENTS” seen at the Inter BEE 2009 exhibition were designed to “embody the function.” The design allows customers to clearly see and feel the function of the device. They are currently in process of being produced and manufactured.

エル・プロデュースの井出祐昭氏をフィーチャーした番組「幸福音~知られざる『音』の世界~」が6月28日22:00~WOWOW 191chにて放送されます。浜松楽器博物館の天空ホールについても取り上げられる予定ですので、ぜひご覧ください。

WOWOW is set to air
Mr. Ide of the El Produce special program
on June 28th from 22:00. The Tenku Hall will featured on that program too.