
#11 「大型ヒューマノイド」 / the full-scale humanoid robot

12/19(土) 日本工業大学において「大型ヒューマノイド」の記者発表会が開催されました。このロボットは、日本工業大学が、教育カリキュラムにものづくり企業や工業デザイナーとのコラボレーションを組み込み、ロボット開発のプロセスに学生を参加させることで、柔軟な創造性を身につけたエンジニアを養成することを目指し、(株)ZMPと共同開発を行ったものです。
学生公募によるアイデアを基に、弊社 根津がデザインを、外装の設計制作を原田車両設計(株)が手掛けております。

また同日、「ものづくり環境学科」と「創造システム工学科」の2つの新学科の学生及び一般高校生を対象とした講演会が開催され、根津は「ロボットって何だろう。。- 感性の世界と先端技術 -」というタイトルで講演いたしました。

The press conference for the full-scale humanoid robot was held at NIT, Nippon Institute of Technologyon Saturday, December 19th. This humanoid robot project was launched by NIT, co-produced by ZMP Inc. In order to raise creative engineers with flexible minds at NIT, the students are to participate in the robot development projects as a part of the education program, collaborating with manufacture companies and industrial designers.
This robot was designed by the znug design's Nezu, and engineered and manufactured by Harada Vehicle Design, based on the idea selected in the public student competition held earlier.

Nezu also gave the lecture titled as "What is a robot? Cognitive World and Leading Technology" as a part of the lecture forum held on the same day for the students of the NIT's newly developed two departments, Department of Products Engineering and Environmental Management and Department of Innovative Systems Engineering, as well as public high school students.


Full-scale humanoid robot design


We developed the ideas focusing on how design could facilitate and reinforce the different ways of communication between the humanoid robots and us humans. The ease of maintenance and durability were also taken into consideration to finalize the design, as it is meant to be used at NIT for on-going education.
Please refer to the presentation material on our website for the details: www.znug.com


#10 ライティング・オブジェ2009 出展 / LIGHTING OBJET 2009


Season's Greetings & our best wishes for a happy and prosperous New year!!


ライティング・オブジェ2009 出展 

東京 丸の内で開催されます「ライティング・オブジェ 2009」に根津の作品を今年も出展いたします。他にも舞台美術家の朝倉摂氏、ミュージシャンの石井竜也氏、アーティストの日比野克彦氏などアーティスト80数名による「地球環境と子どもたちの未来に向けた平和のメッセージ」が込められた作品が展示されます。是非ご来場下さい。

Nezu will again exhibit his designs at Lighting Objet 2009 exhibition at TOKIA Galleria, in Marunouchi, Tokyo. There will be the design works designed to be "the messsages for the future of our children and the earth" by more than eighty cutting-edge artists including the theater set designer Setsu Asakura, the musician Tatsuya Ishii, and the fine artist Katsuhiko Hibino. Please come join us.

■日程:2009年12月17日(木)~12月28日(月) 10:00~22:00
■場所:東京ビルTOKIAガレリア 東京都千代田区丸の内2-7-3

■Schedule: December 17th – 28th , 2009 10:00am – 10:00pm
■Location: TOKIA Galleria, Tokyo Building 2-7-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo


前回ご案内させていただきましたSCS Designers Forumでの講演内容をWEBに掲載いたしました。是非ご覧ください。www.znug.com


#9 サーモス JMY iFデザイン賞 受賞 / THERMOS JMY has received the iF Design Award 2010



サーモス JMY iFデザイン賞 受賞
THERMOS JMY has received the iF Design Award 2010

今年10月に「グッドデザイン賞 2009」を受賞いたしましたサーモス社の「ケータイマグ」がドイツの「iFデザイン賞2010」を受賞することができました。日本国内に留まらず、海外においても評価を得ることができました。

THERMOS JMY has received the Germany's iF Design Award 2010. This is the second award following the Good Design Award 2009 announced in October. It earned an international reputation beyond Japan.


ウロボロス デイトナ掲載
The Ouroboros will be featured in the “Daytona” magazine

11月に完成いたしましたリヴァース・トライク「Ouroboros(ウロボロス)」がCar Styling #193 (10月19日発行)に続き、12月6日発行のDaytonaの巻頭特集に取り上げられます。是非ご一読下さい。

The reverse trike motorcycle Ouroboros, the znug design's project completed in November, will be headline featured in December 6th issue of the Daytona magazine. In the past, it was also featured in #193 (October 19th) issue of the Car Styling magazine. Please take a look.


住商情報システム Designers Forum 講演
The upcoming lecture at SCS (Sumisho Computer Systems Corporation)
Designers Forum

住商情報システム(株)主催のDesigners Forum にて根津が講演いたします。当日は上記にご案内しましたサーモスJMYやウロボロスをはじめ、作品を会場でご覧いただける予定です。

Nezu will give a lecture at SCS (Sumisho Computer Systems Corporation) Designers Forum. His works including THERMOS JMY and Ouroboros mentioned above will be exhibited there as well. Please visit the website below for the event's details and also to register online: http://www.scs.co.jp/event/2009/1211_497_designersforum/index.html

■日程:2009年12月11日(金) フォーラム 13:00-18:20(受付開始:12:00-) 懇親会 18:20-20:30

■会場:秋葉原UDX GALLERY 東京都千代田区外神田4-14-1 http://udx.jp/gallery/accsess.html

■根津孝太 講演詳細:13:15~14:15 『発想ツールとしてのAlias - イイカゲンモデリングのススメ -』


■Schedule: Friday, December 11th, 2009
Forum: 1:00pm - 6:20pm (The registration begins at noon.) Reception: 6:20pm - 8:30pm

■Location: Akihabara UDX GALLERY 4-14-1 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

■The lecture details:1:15pm - 2:15pm
"Alias as an inspirational tool / How to do a ballpark modeling" by Kota Nezu

Although the 3D modeling is often considered to be a detailed, final design process near the manufacture, his lecture focuses on using the highly sophisticated 3D modeling program Alias as an inspirational tool in the early stage of the design.


【号外】 extra edition 「トレたま」放映 / 'TREND TAMAGO' in WBS

明日11月12日(木) 23時より放映されるテレビ東京系列 WBS(ワールドビジネスサテライト)の「トレンドたまご」にてカラクリトウロウが紹介される予定です。是非ご覧下さい。

KARAKURI-TORO : Clockwork Lantern will appeared on the ‘TREND TAMAGO’ in WBS (World Business Satellite), TV Tokyo tomorrow on Nov.12th.





As the lantern goes around, the blossoms spin around.
The clockwork lantern casts moving playful shadows.
The innovative 3D printing technology and the traditional
dyeing crafts are integrated into this beauty.




#8 リヴァース・トライク「Ouroboros」発表 / The reverse trike "Ouroboros"

The reverse trike "Ouroboros"

この度、千葉県千葉市にあるバイクショップ オートスタッフ末広と開発を進めて参りました、リヴァース・トライク「Ouroboros(ウロボロス)」が完成致しました。

Auto Staff SUEHIRO; a motorcycle shop in Chiba and znug design developed the reverse trike “Ouroboros”.


10月19日発行のCar Styling に掲載されておりますので、ぜひご覧下さい。また10月21日、東京モーターショーにあわせて開催されたデザイナーズナイトにて先行発表致しました。

The Ouroboros appeared in the “Car Styling” magazine #193 issued on October 19th, and was shown at the Automotive Designers’ Night in Tokyo on October 21st.

Please access our web site for further details.


#7 「100% Design Tokyo 2009」出展 / "100% Design Tokyo 2009"

10月も半ばになり、真っ青な秋の空が一層清々しく感じられるようになりました。芸術の秋にふさわしく、各地で様々なイベントが開催されております。原田車両設計とznug designは明治神宮外苑にて開催されます100% Design Tokyoに出展致します。是非ご来場いただき、最新の技術と古の匠の技の融合をお楽しみ下さい。

Now in mid-October, we are blessed with beautiful blue autumn sky here. As we say the comfortable fall season motivates us to do arts and crafts, we see many events held throughout Japan. The HARADA Vehicle Design and znug design will show the products at 100% Design Tokyo at Meiji Jingu Gaien. Please come join us there and witness the marriage of the innovative technology and Japanese traditional craftsmanship of the Clockwork Lantern.





As the lantern goes around, the blossoms spin around.
The clockwork lantern casts moving playful shadows.
The innovative 3D printing technology and the traditional
dyeing crafts are integrated into this beauty.


日時:10月30日(金)~11月3日(火) 11:00~20:00
Date : Oct.30 (Fri) - Nov.3 (Tue) 11:00 - 20:00

場所:明治神宮外苑 (東京都新宿区霞ケ丘町2-3)
Place : Meiji Jingu Gaien

Exhibitor Name: KARAKURI-TORO

出展場所:ホワイトテント 100-D-03
Booth No. : White tent 100-D-03

The press kit is available on our website.



粉体造形(粉末焼結積層造形)は最新のRP(Rapid Prototyping)技術のひとつであり、粉末のナイロン樹脂を0.1mmずつ積層し、レーザー焼結で造形することにより耐久性に優れたものを作ることができる。型などを一切必要とせず、極めて複雑な形でも3Dデータのまま忠実に再現する。本来であればいくつかの部品で構成される機構を、ひとつのピースとして造形することができ、カラクリトウロウではこの特徴を最大限活用している。

[ Plastic Laser-Sintering System ]
The plastic laser-sintering system is a form of additive manufacturing that is often used for RP, rapid prototyping. High power laser fuses successive 0.1mm thick layers of nylon particles into a desired three-dimensional object. It does not require molds, and is able to precisely produce extremely intricate shapes directly from 3D data. The result is a single build object that excels in durability. The Clockwork Lantern takes advantage of this single build process, laser-sintering intricately shaped components that had to be built from multiple pieces in conventional methods.


[ Dyed by Master Kimono Dyer ]
Mr. Osamu Nakamura, the master formal kimono dyer in Nagoya, dyed the white 3D-printed nylon object in black. His craftsmanship matured in many years of experience in art of kimono dyeing was fully applied to select the best dye for nylon resin. The marriage of the innovative RP technology and Japanese traditional craftsmanship created new, unique look and texture of the product.


[ Harada Vehicle Design Co. Ltd. ]
The Harada Vehicle Design is a leading company in the automobile industry, and designs and engineers machinery and electronics. It provides solid technology in the diverse specialized fields, and its service ranges from engineering to modeling and manufacturing prototypes. Its dedication for creativity propels the company to take on highly specialized innovative projects. It has been manufacturing the major company’s concept cars for the motor shows. In this project, the company was responsible in overall engineering and manufacturing, utilizing the expertise in
machinery engineering and plastic laser-sintering system. http://www.hvd.co.jp/


#6 「グッドデザイン賞 2009」受賞 / won the "Good Design Award 2009"

8月末にご案内させていただきました「グッドデザイン エキスポ」は無事終了し、本日(財)日本産業デザイン振興会より「グッドデザイン賞 2009」の発表が行われました。znug designがエントリー致しましたサーモス社の「ケータイマグ」はみなさまのご支援の下「グッドデザイン賞」を受賞することができました。この「ケータイマグ」はOEMによる展開など活躍の場を拡げており、多くの方にご愛用いただく機会に恵まれ非常に喜んでおります。

Today JIDPO, the Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization announced the results of the Good Design Award 2009. The Good Design Expo 2009 was held successfully earlier. Thanks to all your support, the THERMOS JMY from the znug design was able to receive the Good Design Award. The THERMOS JMY has been expanding its production and distribution using OEMs etc, and we are thrilled to see more and more people are enjoying them.






THERMOS JMY is a light-weight, compact mobile mug with vacuum insulation. With THERMOS JMY, you can enjoy the ecological and economical life style without disposable cups.

How can a mobile mug become your inseparable sidekick in daily life? It must blend in naturally, bringing ecology, economy and health into your life with ease. The careful design was done in every aspect in order to achieve its comfortable texture, a good fit to the hand, easy handling & drinking, the eye-catching look and the pleasing presence in your hand.


The points of design


The beautiful curve on the body guides your hand to the ideal holding position. The concentric design of easy-opening push-button and the locking ring enables intuitive actions.



Each color is matched with the most pleasing texture using different translucency of the paint over stainless steel, surface gloss, etc.



We hope you will take a look and experience the good design of the THERMOS JMY. It can be purchased at major department stores, as well as through internet shopping
sites like Amazon.


#5 「グッドデザイン エキスポ」 出展 / "Good Design Expo"

今週末、東京ビッグサイトにて「グッドデザイン エキスポ」が開催されます。znug designはデザインを担当した「サーモス社のケータイマグ」を出展致します。

Good Design Expo is held in Tokyo Big Sight on this weekends.
The znug design exhibit “THERMOS Double Wall Vacuum Insulation Mobile Mug”



Please write the cheering message on the organizer’s website as follows,


More than 2,000 items are presented, such as family groceries, home appliances, cars, industrial machines, construction, advertisement and website. Please let me know if you will visit there as we prepare invitation tickets.

■開催日時 Schedule
8月28日(金) 18:00~21:00
8月29日(土) 10:00~21:00
8月30日(日) 10:00~16:00

■会場 Venue
東京ビッグサイト 東展示棟 東5、6ホール
East Hall 5 and 6, East Exhibition Hall, Tokyo Big Sight

■znug design 出展場所 exhibit
Area:B-1(生活領域)  No:G0215384




#4 『Car Styling』 記事掲載 / "Car Styling" article

朝晩の涼しさに夏の終わりを感じる今日この頃ですが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。さて6月に記者発表を行いました「RoboCar ™ Z」が、昨日8月19日(水)発行の『Car Styling』 #192 に掲載されました。

The "RoboCar ™ Z" appeared in the “Car Styling” magazine #192 issued on August 19th.




And also following magazines, web sites and TV program featured the "RoboCar ™ Z" .


 Casa BRUTUS [2009年8月号]
 monoマガジン [2009年7月16日発行]
 東京IT新聞 [2009年6月23日発行]

 Robot Watch



#3 「RoboCar ™ Z」記者発表 / RoboCar ™ Z Now Released

6/9(火) 機械産業記念事業財団(TEPIA)において、「The RoboCar ™ Z」の記者発表会が開催されました。このロボットカーは、今後ますますITS化が予想される自動車において、『次世代の安全・環境技術開発をサポートするための、世界初の統合プラットフォーム』として、株式会社ZMPにより製品化され、znug designが外装デザインを担当しました。
尚、記者発表会の様子はテレビ東京 WBS(ワールドビジネスサテライト)にて放送されました。


On Tuesday, June 9th, the press conference for "RoboCar ™ Z" was held at TEPIA, the Machine Industry Memorial Foundation in Tokyo. The demand for the intelligent transportation system (ITS) is increasingly rising in the automobile industry. The RoboCar ™ Z provides the world's first comprehensive base of the ITS, which will support developing the safety and environmental technology in the next generation.
The znug design provided the exterior design. It was manufactured by ZMP, Inc.
And you can see a part of the press conference on TV program; World Business Satellite that was broadcasted by TV Tokyo.  



"感じ・考える" クルマ / "Feel and Think" car

znug design は、ヒトが"感じ・考える"ことを誘発できるようなデザインを目指しています。また、モビリティ デザインに携わる中で、日ごろから今後のクルマのデザインについて様々な方向から検討しています。
今回担当したロボカーのデザインでは、本格的なITS社会を目前に、クルマが ”感じ・考える” 機能を備えようとしている中で、そのデザインはどのように変わっていくべきなのか、ひとつの方向性を提示しています。

The znug design is focused on the design that encourages you to “feel and think.”
We are studying every aspect of the car design through various mobility design
projects. As we are stepping into the world fully equipped with the ITS, the cars are now beginning to "feel and think" as well. The design for the RoboCar ™ Z suggests a new direction of the future car design.


The RoboCar ™ Z is an educational and research purpose base product for the next generation car design, which features the high-end visual recognition system using the stereo cameras. Both industrial and academic fields will benefit from its use
to research and develop the safety and environmental control such as, auto-drive and
traffic navigation using the car robotics technology.


#2 「ひがささがし」展のご案内 / the exhibition "Higasa Sagashi: In Pursuit of Parasols"

5/3(日)より 渋谷 +CASE Gallery にて「ひがささがし」展が始まりました。北欧プリント生地を、日本の職人の手により1本1本「ひがさ」に仕立てたものや、ジャンルの異なる8人のアーティストによる「ひがさ」作品が展示されています。
今回 znug design は『おひさまのうごきにおもいをはせるかさ』を本展示会に出展しています。

On Sunday May 3rd, the exhibition "Higasa Sagashi: In Pursuit of Parasols" opened at +CASE Gallery in Shibuya. It displays the parasols hand-constructed by Japanese craftsmen using the Scandinavian printed fabrics, and also features the various new parasols designed by eight artists from different fields.
The znug design created "the Parasol with the Passage of the Sun" for the exhibition.

また、先月末に終了しましたミラノサローネにつきましても弊社HP www.znug.com において、情報を掲載しておりますのでぜひご覧下さい。

And please visit our WEB site www.znug.com as we uploaded the information of Milan Salone Satellite 2009.

「ひがささがし」 work

planetary parasol - the Parasol with the Passage of the Sun –


The parasol is there to block the sun, but it invites you to look for the sun.


In daily life you don't pay attention to the sun traveling through the sky, but we wanted to create the moment when you can look up and think upon the dynamic universe.


Direct yourself so that the compass on the handle points at North. Then the sun seen through the parasol can tell you the approximate season and time by its position.

「ひがささがし」展 案内状


#1 ミラノサローネ サテリテ出展 / “Salone Satellite 2009”

新緑の美しい季節になりました。みなさまいかがお過ごしでしょうか。znug design はおかげさまでこの夏に4周年を迎えることになり、これを機に、ニュースレターを配信させていただきたいと考えております。

さて、記念すべき第一号は今月22日からイタリアのミラノ市で開催されるミラノサローネへの出展情報をお届けします。また、弊社ホームページ www.znug.com においては、現地のタイムリーな情報も随時UPして参りますのでぜひご覧下さい。

This upcoming July, zung design, inc. will be the fourth anniversary of stablishment.
At this occasion, we decided to send the company news letter from now on. The first one is the information for the Salone Satellite in Milano.

We participate in the Salone Satellite, scheduled for April 22-27, 2009 and be in Booth No. B-23, pavilion 24, Fiera Milano, Rho. And please visit and enjoy our WEB site www.znug.com as we upload some more information on time.

ミラノサローネ サテリテ 出展作品
Exhibition Works for the “Salone Satellite”

4/22(水)よりイタリア ミラノで開催されるサローネ サテリテに出展いたします。2007年より、100% DESIGN や Maison&Objet などの展示会で発表してきた "kotori" を今回 archtype、(株)コマデンの制作協力を得てシャンデリアとして発展させたものです。

kotori spiral

螺旋状に舞い羽ばたくかのような kotori は、立ち昇る風を想起させる
kotori は吊るしたまま、手にのせて楽しむこともできる。

A new concept of chandelier that adopts waves and movements.
The hanging objects of the chandelier swing and reflect light,
and these movements create the dynamic scene.
The spirally fluttering "kotori" birds depict the impression
of soaring by forming pairs with the LED lights that are
reminiscent of rising whirlwind.
Kept hanging, you can enjoy "kotori" by putting them on your
hands as well.

kotori arc

それに合わせて kotori は羽ばたくかのようにその翼を揺らす。
kotori はベース上にのせてあるだけで、手にとって楽しむこと

A new idea of a chandelier to be placed on the floor.
You can enjoy the chandelier for its reflection and
shadows along with the interior lighting. The arc-shaped
base embodied the trace of soaring waves slowly from
side to side, and the birds, "kotori", swing their wings
as if they are flying. You can enjoy "kotori" by taking
them up on your hands as well, because they are just
placed on the base.

[制作協力]: (株)池戸製作所 archetype事業部, (株)コマデン
[Cooperation company]: archetype, KOMADEN CORPORATION


100% DESIGN LONDON 2007,
100% DESIGN TOKYO 2007, 2008,
MAISON & OBJET PARIS 2008, 2009にて発表

■Salone Satellite

開催期間:2009 April 22-27

出展ブース:Fiera Milano, Rho pavillion 24, No. B-23