明日2月9日(木) 23時よりテレビ東京系列WBS(ワールドビジネスサテライト)の『特集』で、昨年秋に弊社が発表しました電気バイクzecOO(ゼクウ) www.zecoomotor.comがとりあげられます。「町工場から世界へ」をキーワードに、個の有機的なつながりから生まれ、進化していくものづくりの現場をご覧いただければと思います。
WBS (World Business Satellite), TV Tokyo will broadcast our low-ride electric motorcycle "zecOO""zecOO" from 23:00 tomorrow February 9th. It will show about our approach of "small companies challenge to the global business" with the finest skills for the production. Please enjoy see it and we are looking forward to your warm support.
WBS (World Business Satellite), TV Tokyo will broadcast our low-ride electric motorcycle "zecOO""zecOO" from 23:00 tomorrow February 9th. It will show about our approach of "small companies challenge to the global business" with the finest skills for the production. Please enjoy see it and we are looking forward to your warm support.