
#42 「草子ing(ソウシング)」トークイベント / "SOUSING" Talk Event


日時:1月17日(金) 19:30-21:00
会場:mass×mass関内フューチャーセンター 横浜市中区北仲通3-33

"SOUSING" will hold Talk Event at 'mass-mass KANNAI FUTURE CENTER' on January 17th(Fri). Nezu will join it as a guest. Please come join us.
"SOUSING" is a project of costructing new publishing system for the small circulation publications that can raise the fund and gather personnel by using cloudfunding.

Date:Friday, January 17th, 2014 19:30 -21:00
Venue:mass・mass Kannai Future Center
3-33 Kitanaka-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama Kanagawa

来月2月13日(木), 14(金), 15(土)の3日間、東京都大田区にて「おおた工業フェア」が 開催され、弊社根津は15(土)に特別講演をさせていただきます。
大田区は日本を代表するモノづくり企業の集積地として、国内はもとより世界の企業から厚い信頼を受け世界の注目の的となっています。「おおた工業フェア」では、航空機・自動車・電子機器などの高度な工業製品の 製造ブース展示も行われ、直接企業の方々とお話しすることが可能です。

【根津特別講演】2月15日(土)13:00~15:00 「創造的なツナガリの築きかた☆」
大田区産業プラザPIO 東京都大田区南蒲田1-20-20

"OTA INDUSTRIAL FAIR" will be held at OTA city Tokyo from February 13th to 15th. Nezu will give a lecture there on February 15th.
Ota city, with one of the largest concentrations of small manufacturing companies that are trusted by major companies both in and outside of Japan. Those companies are extremely skilled in producing a vast array of parts and components, with versatility and capability of covering every sector, supporting advanced industrial products such as aircraft, cars and electronics.
As you can visit the booth and talk with those experts at the "OTA INDUSTRIAL FAIR", please come and see them if you are interested in.

【The lecture of Kota Nezu】Saturday, February 15th, 2014 13:00 -15:00
Ota City Industrial Plaza (PIO) 1-20-20 Minamikamata, Ota, Tokyo


弊社根津は、ダイハツ工業がオートサロン 2014に出展致しましたコンセプトカー「新型コペン」の 車両企画、ユーザーコミュニケーションアイデア、ミニ四駆化など、様々なかたちでお手伝いをさせていただきました。

Nezu took part in the DAIHATSU "KOPEN" concept planning, user communication planning, and Mini-4WD-ize.
At Tokyo Auto Salon 2014, DAIHATSU shows wide variety of exciting new feature, Kisekae : exterior panel replacing system. Visitors also could have fun on customizing the KOPEN Mini-4WD.