10月下旬から1都3県の「セブン-イレブン」で先行発売予定ですが、現在、dropメンバーを募集しておりますので、ご興味のある方は「drop club」にご登録いただき、ぜひ体験されてはいかがでしょうか。
10月下旬から1都3県の「セブン-イレブン」で先行発売予定ですが、現在、dropメンバーを募集しておりますので、ご興味のある方は「drop club」にご登録いただき、ぜひ体験されてはいかがでしょうか。
The "drop" that was co-produced by Suntory and Thermos has just been released. The "drop" is an innovative beverage for the next generation, which savory tastes last long in the specially designed personal bottles. Suntory developed the "drop portion," the airtight condensed beverage, and Thermos produced and manufactured the "drop portion bottles." Nezu designed the unique "drop portion bottles."
They will be first available at the Seven Elevens in Tokyo and other three prefectures. But if you are curious, you can already register at the "drop club" and become the drop members to enjoy them early!
They will be first available at the Seven Elevens in Tokyo and other three prefectures. But if you are curious, you can already register at the "drop club" and become the drop members to enjoy them early!
■トヨタ自動車 「Camatte57s」発表!
■Toyota Motor Corporation exhibited "Camatte57s"!
■Toyota Motor Corporation exhibited "Camatte57s"!
先月開催されました東京おもちゃショーでトヨタ自動車が「Camatte(カマッテ)57s」,「Camatte57s スポーツ」を発表いたしました。弊社根津は企画・設計・デザインに携わり、「57s スポーツ」のエクステリアデザインは、根津がデザインを担当したタミヤのミニ四駆「アストラルスター」をベースにしております。昨年のCamatteを更に進化させ、"親子でもっと身近に楽しむクルマ"として多くの来場者の皆様に触れ合っていただきました。
トヨタ自動車 コンセプトカー フォトギャラリー / Toyota Motor Corporation concept car gallery
The Toyota Motor Corporation exhibited "Camatte57s" and "Camatte57s Sports" at the International Toy Show in Tokyo this past June. Nezu took initiative in plan, design, and engineering of the "Camatte57s" series. The exterior design of the "Camatte57s Sports" is based on the Tamiya's "Astralster", the mini 4WD designed by Nezu. Many families enjoyed the "Camatte57s" and experienced "the new, fun relationship with the truly family-oriented cars."
Camatte 57sコンセプト
今年もトヨタ自動車の辻氏をリーダーとして、映像やパンフレット制作をTGB.design イシウラ氏、ブース制作をJP FACTORY 鷹野氏にご担当いただきました。1.交換が容易な57枚の「着せ替えパネル」でカスタマイズをもっと身近に
The "Camatte57" Design Concept:
1) The easier and more affordable customized design with 57 different snap-on panels
2) The open-air roof-less design, the intimate and compact seat layout
3) The pedals and seats are so flexibly adjustable even for kids. The kids can drive them in the safe, supervised environment.
1) The easier and more affordable customized design with 57 different snap-on panels
2) The open-air roof-less design, the intimate and compact seat layout
3) The pedals and seats are so flexibly adjustable even for kids. The kids can drive them in the safe, supervised environment.
The exhibition was led to success by Mr. Tsuji of the Toyota Motor Corporation as a supervisor with the continuing collaborative team since the last year; Mr. Ishiura of the TGB. design created the movies and pamphlets, and Mr. Takano of the JP FACTORY created the exhibition booth.
トヨタ自動車 コンセプトカー フォトギャラリー / Toyota Motor Corporation concept car gallery
The OZONE in Shinjuku launched the "Living Design Award" in March 2013. It is aimed to invite and exhibit the new ideas and activities that will make us all happy by enhancing "Living x Space x Communication" in daily life among and between each of us. Nezu was appointed one of the "Living Producers" and has been producing many activities ever since.
OZONE 7階 アトリエ711にて、「暮らしのプロデューサー」が作品展示を行っています。7月から第二期の展示がスタートし、根津の空間では乗り物にテーマを絞り、アイデアスケッチやCGから、実物の完成と発表までをステップごとに具体的に紹介しています。原田車両設計・スタジオタカヤマ制作のzecOOのスケールモデルやヤマトマネキン制作の根津の等身大フィギアもみなさんをお待ちしております。是非お近くにお越しの方はお立ち寄りください。
1) Design Exhibition
The design exhibition booth has been set up at the atelier 711 on the 7th floor of the OZONE. The second round of exhibition just started in July. Nezu's exhibition is now focused on the vehicles showing the step-by-step detailed process of their design and production, from the rough sketches and the CG work, to the final products and the press releases. The exhibition includes the scale model of the zecOO created by the Harada Vehicle Design and the Studio Takayama, and the full-scale mannequin of Nezu himself created by the Yamato Mannequin! Please drop by and enjoy the one-of-the-kind exhibition.
第一期 第二期
OZONE 7階 アトリエ711にて、「暮らしのプロデューサー」が作品展示を行っています。7月から第二期の展示がスタートし、根津の空間では乗り物にテーマを絞り、アイデアスケッチやCGから、実物の完成と発表までをステップごとに具体的に紹介しています。原田車両設計・スタジオタカヤマ制作のzecOOのスケールモデルやヤマトマネキン制作の根津の等身大フィギアもみなさんをお待ちしております。是非お近くにお越しの方はお立ち寄りください。
1) Design Exhibition
The design exhibition booth has been set up at the atelier 711 on the 7th floor of the OZONE. The second round of exhibition just started in July. Nezu's exhibition is now focused on the vehicles showing the step-by-step detailed process of their design and production, from the rough sketches and the CG work, to the final products and the press releases. The exhibition includes the scale model of the zecOO created by the Harada Vehicle Design and the Studio Takayama, and the full-scale mannequin of Nezu himself created by the Yamato Mannequin! Please drop by and enjoy the one-of-the-kind exhibition.
第一期 第二期
根津担当「パパとこどもの遊び学☆ ~いっしょに工作していっしょにワクワク!~」
■7/14(日)14:00~16:00 『さかみちレーサー』
坂をころがるクルマを作って競争をします。早いのはどっち? 遠くまで行くのはどっち?
■7/28(日)14:00~16:00 『パパのぼうし、わたしのぼうし』
■8/11(日)14:00~16:00 『飛び出す・動く、シカケアルバム(1)』
■8/25(日)14:00~16:00 『飛び出す・動く、シカケアルバム(2)』
■9/15(日)14:00~16:00 『ひみつのヒミツ!ママにプレゼント』
坂をころがるクルマを作って競争をします。早いのはどっち? 遠くまで行くのはどっち?
■7/28(日)14:00~16:00 『パパのぼうし、わたしのぼうし』
■8/11(日)14:00~16:00 『飛び出す・動く、シカケアルバム(1)』
■8/25(日)14:00~16:00 『飛び出す・動く、シカケアルバム(2)』
■9/15(日)14:00~16:00 『ひみつのヒミツ!ママにプレゼント』
2) The OZONE "Living Design Classes" starting this July!
The "Living Producers" will hold the classes, each sharing his/her unique expertise directly with you. Nezu will have 5 classes through July, August, and September. Please join and have fun with us!
The "Living Producers" will hold the classes, each sharing his/her unique expertise directly with you. Nezu will have 5 classes through July, August, and September. Please join and have fun with us!
Nezu's class: "The Play Academy for Dads and Kids☆ Have fun together collaborating on hands-on arts and crafts!"