
#27 ミニ四駆工作教室 / "Mini 4WD Workshop"


The reconstruction activity "what should CAR DESIGNERS do?" could conduct "Mini 4WD Workshop" for the kids with the cooperation of many people in November and in December. Also we created and sent the mini albums as a small Christmas present for the refugee kids who participated to the workshop in Sep. and Dec.(For more detailed information please see the website.)

■"Mini 4WD Workshop" at the disaster area [3rd time]


We conducted "Mini 4WD Workshop" for the kids at two meeting places for temporary housing in Miyagi on Dec. 3rd(Sat). Despite the cold, the workshop came to life with more than 30 kids. We could hand the message cards from kids who participated the charity workshop before. Although there were many small kids, they concentrated their attention on the creation. We really appreciate to the participated kids, the people who live in temporary housing and supported us, staff of Peace Winds Japan and participated members as teachers.

■"Mini 4WD charity Workshop" support for the refugee kids

11月27日(日)に富士スピードウェイで開催されました「トヨタ ガズーレーシング フェスティバル 2011」に参加させていただきました。"自分にひとつ、だれかにひとつ。"をキーワードに、被災者ではない一般のこどもたちから参加料として1,000円を募金いただき、被災地のこどもたちにメッセージカードをつけてミニ四駆キットを1つプレゼントするという形で開催しました。午前中に40名の定員受付が終了してしまうほど盛況で、あとから来られたお子さんの中には泣きだす子がいたほどでした。速く走行する他の子のミニ四駆を見て、どうしたら自分の作ったミニ四駆がより速く走れるようになるかを考えだす子も出てきて、ただ作るだけではなく、"改善","改良"というものづくりの深さを経験する場ともなりました。早朝から屋外での活動にも関わらずボランティアとしてご参加くださいました皆様、本当にありがとうございました。

We conducted the "Mini 4WD charity Workshop" at FUJI SPEEDWAY for the 'TOYOTA GAZOO Racing FESTIVAL 2011' on Nov. 27th(Sun). Kids paid 1,000yen for the participation to get one Mini 4WD kit for themselves and present one more for the refugee kids with message card. The workshop was a great success as we were able to get the 40 participants so quickly that we sold out the tickets before noon. Some of kids burst into tears because they couldn't join. It was good opportunity for the kids to made improvements or refinements on their creation. For example they thought hard and solved the problem when they saw another kids' mini 4WD run much faster than themselves. We are grateful to the teachers who joined the outside activity even in the dark of the early morning.

As we continue this activity in next year, we look forward to your warm support.



"LIGHTING OBJET 2011" has been started from Dec. 13th(Tue). We are showing the reconstruction activity "what should CAR DESIGNERS do?" with several original Mini 4WDs by creators and message cards from kids who participated the charity workshop. Please come join us.

【日時】2011年12月13日(火)~12月27日(火) 10:00~22:00

[Schedule]December 13th (Tue) - 27th (Tue), 2011 10:00~22:00
[Location] TOKIA Galleria, Tokyo Building(1min. walk from Tokyo station)
[Admission Fees] free

作品タイトル Title of the work:mini4 tree

オリジナルミニ四駆 制作者 creators

ミニ四駆工作教室 活動詳細ブログ blog

募金・寄付のお願い Call for donation for the activity http://www.mobilabo.net/cdd/donation.html

エコプロダクツ展 2011
Eco-Products exhibition 2011

先週東京ビッグサイトで開催された「エコプロダクツ展2011」のヤマトマネキン社ブースで、RIPPLE STOOL(jellyfish)が展示されました。環境技術でマネキン業界をリードする株式会社ヤマトマネキンのご協力により、不要になった布の切れ端を環境配慮樹脂で固め、新たにスツールのフタの部分を制作いただきました。生地のテクスチャーが活きた優しい風合いとなり、オリジナルとはまた一味違った作品となりました。

"Ripple Stools (jellyfish)" were exhibited at 'Eco-Products exhibition 2011' YAMATO MANNEQUIN CO., LTD. booth last week. YAMATO MANNEQUIN is one of leading company of mannequin manufacturer. They supported to create the top of the stool with used clothes pieces and environmentally friendly resin.

RIPPLE STOOL [prototype] Sitting on the water / 「水に座る」

"With this furniture you feel nature at your side."
This is a stool with built-in LED and a water tank. Your natural movement of sitting on it will produce stunningly beautiful ripples; you will feel as if you were seated on the water.

■Instructed at MAU (Musashino Art University)


Nezu instructed the students at MAU (Musashino Art University) about the "moving forms" in this Oct. and Dec. Every student created their works with varied techniques for the assignment of "Create the object that can run 10m, with only one apple".

■Instructed at Chiba University

12月中旬に根津の母校でもある千葉大学 工学部にて『デザインの展望』という科目を本年も担当させていただきました。デザイナーとして生きていくことのリアリティーを伝えたいという想いで、最新作である電気バイクzecOOの開発ストーリを中心に講義をさせていただきました。

Nezu instructed to the students for the "Outlook of Design" at Chiba University in the middle of Dec. He would like to express the reality of designer's life by story of development about our latest project low ride electric motorcycle "zecOO".


#26 第42回 東京モーターショー 2011 開催! / The 42nd Tokyo Motor Show 2011!



今年はビッグサイトでの開催となりアクセスもし易くなりました。またSMART MOBILTY CITY2011として次世代のモビリティの試乗会なども企画されています。ぜひ会場に足をお運びください。

10:00~20:00(月~土), 10:00~18:00(日),最終日は~17:00
【場所】東京ビッグサイト 東京都江東区有明 3-11-1
【入場料】一般 1,500円(前売:1,300円) 高校生 500円(前売:400円) 中学生以下 無料
アフタヌーン券 (月~土曜日15時以降の当日会場のみの販売) 一般:1,300円 高校生:400円
ナイター券 (月~土曜日18時以降の当日会場のみの販売) 一般:500円 高校生:200円

Nezu conducted the concept planning for the DAIHATSU booth and the new seat design for DELTA TOOLING of Tokyo Motor Show 2011 that will start from December 3rd (Sat). It will be held at Tokyo Big Sight in this year and is easily accessible. Also there are test rides of next-generation vehicles as a project for "SMART MOBILITY CITY 2011". Please come join us.

[Schedule] December 3rd (Sat) - 11th (Sun), 2011 10:00 - 20:00(Mon-Sat),
10:00-18:00(Sun), close 18:00 on Dec.11
[Location] Tokyo Big Sight 3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo
[Admission Fees] Adults 1,500yen (Advance tickets : 1,300yen)
Senior high school students 500yen (Advance tickets : 400yen)
Junior high school students and under are free
Afternoon Tickets (Available only at the venue Mon-Sat from 3pm)
Adults 1,300yen Senior high school students 400yen
Evening Tickets (Available only at the venue Mon-Sat from 6pm)
Adults 500yen Senior high school students 200yen

■レクサス ディーラー大会 2011

11月下旬に開催されたレクサス ディラー大会にて、お客様にお持ち帰りいただきました記念品の企画、デザインコーディネートを根津が担当致しました。この記念品は携帯電話などに取り付けていただけるシルバーのアクセサリーで、新しいレクサスのシンボルである"スピンドルグリル"をモチーフにしています。

Nezu conducted the planning and design coordination for the novelties that were presented to the dealer owners at the LEXUS DEALER MEETING in the end of November.

また、当日開催されたパーティ"BAR SPINDLE"のロゴデザインも担当させていただきました。
He also designed the "BAR SPINDLE" logo for the party.


■Low Ride Electric Motorcycle "zecOO"

「TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK 2011」で発表しました電気バイクzecOO(ゼクウ)は、おかげさまで予想を上回る反響をいただき非常に感謝しております。今後も皆様のご期待に添えるよう開発を進めて参りますのでよろしくお願いいたします。詳細についてはwebをご覧ください。

Thank you so much for the huge response to our low ride electric motorcycle "zecOO" that was exhibited at 'TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK 2011'. We will do our best for further development and come up to the expectations. For more detailed information please see the website.

メディア露出 Media appearances

WBS (World Business Satellite), TV Tokyo

雑誌 magazines

Web sites
クリッカー clicccar


Also "zecOO" and boots that was created for the motorcycle were exhibited at AUTOMOTIVE DESIGNERS NIGHT on Nov. 30(Wed).