#2 「ひがささがし」展のご案内 / the exhibition "Higasa Sagashi: In Pursuit of Parasols"
5/3(日)より 渋谷 +CASE Gallery にて「ひがささがし」展が始まりました。北欧プリント生地を、日本の職人の手により1本1本「ひがさ」に仕立てたものや、ジャンルの異なる8人のアーティストによる「ひがさ」作品が展示されています。
今回 znug design は『おひさまのうごきにおもいをはせるかさ』を本展示会に出展しています。
On Sunday May 3rd, the exhibition "Higasa Sagashi: In Pursuit of Parasols" opened at +CASE Gallery in Shibuya. It displays the parasols hand-constructed by Japanese craftsmen using the Scandinavian printed fabrics, and also features the various new parasols designed by eight artists from different fields.
The znug design created "the Parasol with the Passage of the Sun" for the exhibition.
また、先月末に終了しましたミラノサローネにつきましても弊社HP www.znug.com において、情報を掲載しておりますのでぜひご覧下さい。
And please visit our WEB site www.znug.com as we uploaded the information of Milan Salone Satellite 2009.
「ひがささがし」 work
planetary parasol - the Parasol with the Passage of the Sun –
The parasol is there to block the sun, but it invites you to look for the sun.
In daily life you don't pay attention to the sun traveling through the sky, but we wanted to create the moment when you can look up and think upon the dynamic universe.
Direct yourself so that the compass on the handle points at North. Then the sun seen through the parasol can tell you the approximate season and time by its position.
「ひがささがし」展 案内状
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